Contributions by Radek Pilar

Radek Pilar has uploaded 0 images and written 2 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.


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Radek Pilar says:


maritime qualities


Guest berths are on floating pontoons with fingers. Marina is overall small, so it's best to come early. It's not uncommon to see a boats tied anywhere they can, including along the other boats.

When approaching from other direction than north, be careful about shallow underwater sandbank that is just north of the breakwater, follow the marked channel from north!

1 x helpful | written on 16. Aug 2022

Radek Pilar says:


maritime qualities


Big marina with box moorings and few spots to dock alongside the pier.
Showers + washing machine/dryers are paid with card (obtainable next to harbormaster office).

1 x helpful | written on 16. Aug 2022